Search for Horace in the Smouldering Lake and kill the bugger.Talk to Anri again, after you’ve gone further in the catacombs.After you’ve clobbered the Abyss Watcher, you’ll find Anri in the catacombs of Carthus, past the steps where the skeleton ball attacks and opposite an archway through a corridor.Once you’ve beaten the Deacons of the Deep, go back to Firelink and speak to Anri again.Speak to Anri at the Halfway Fortress bonfire.She can be found in the same spot that Yoel occupied With Yoel dead, you can now speak to Yuria at Firelink.DO NOT attempt to cure your hollowing at any point, through means such as the Firekeeper or a Purging Stone.Make sure you do this before you complete the Farron Keep The fifth time you do this, he’ll die.The first level up is a freebie, while the rest are done by dying twice and returning to his side. Yoel is hanging out at the end of the corridor on the lower right side Once there, accept the dark sigil from him. Talk to Yoel, and send him to Firelink.Head to other end of the stone path and you’ll find Yoel on the right side of a bunch of worshippers Speak to Yoel in Foot of the High Walls, which can be done before you open the portcullis to the Undead Settlement.During all the conversations, interact with the NPC until they having nothing else to say to you.You’re going to need to complete several steps to acquire this ending. Same as the End of Fire ending as described above BUT attack the Firekeeper as the camera fades. When the fight is done, use the summon sign found next to the bonfire to get a new ending.

Once you’ve collect the Eyes of a Firekeeper from the Untended Graves, give them to the Firekeeper before the final bos battle. All you have to do, is light that bonfire after the final boss battle. The spoiler boss, deadliest of all Dark Souls III fiends. You can avert your gaze, after the image below. So yeah, I guess I shouldn’t have to mention that there’ll be some big spoilers here, but I’m going to anyway. Naturally, there’s a few endings to explore, ones that’ll have you either praising the sun or succumbing to the dark below. It’s a theme that has carried on through the entire franchise, one of a fire being lit that ended the perpetual darkness and again of that fire slowly fading out over time as the shadows creeped back in. Perform the Rite of Avowal with Anri on the far end of Gwydolin’s chamber, down the hall from where you find the Pilgrim.Dark Souls III is all about beginnings and endings.The Pilgrim will give you the Sword of Avowal. Speak with the Pilgrim near the end of the Irithyll of the Boreal Valley area, on the east side in a room down a side corridor just before the tower that leads to the Anor Londo area.After you defeat the Pontiff Sulyvahn boss in the Irithyll of the Boreal Valley area, speak with Yuria at Firelink Shrine (found near Yoel’s dead body) until she tells you wedding preparations are complete.After you defeat the Deacons of the Deep boss in the Cathedral of the Deep area, speak with Anri again when she appears in the Firelink Shrine.Speak with Anri twice when you first meet her at the Halfway Fortress bonfire in the Road to Sacrifice area.We have a complete rundown of Anri and the Rite of Avowal, but the basics are as follows. You need to get three Dark Sigil, which come from executing the Rite of Avowal with Anri of Astora (basically marrying her). Obtain Three Dark Sigils by Executing the Rite of Avowl Do not let the Fire Keeper heal your Dark Sigil at all.

If you don’t know how to do this, head over to our Yoel of Londor guide for more information.